POA Governance Documents Review Committee

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POA Governance Documents Review Committee

At the 5 February 2022 meeting the Board voted to approve the formation of a temporary committee charged with reviewing and updating, where needed, our 3 primary governance documents:

• SFTR Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Requirements (CCRs),

• SFTR Articles of Incorporation, and

• SFTR By-Laws

I volunteered to lead/facilitate this effort and definitely cannot undertake this effort alone. I know there are many smart and experienced property owners (both long time and new to the ranch) who have some great ideas which could help us improve living on this beautiful ranch and improve management of our POA.

This effort is not intended to re-create the wheel. Our governance documents require periodic review to ensure compliance with changing state requirements as well as considering property owner’s concerns where appropriate.

If you have experience you wish to share or have interest in participating and are willing to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty, please contact me directly at 360-977-8766 or @email . If you know of a property owner who could bring value to this effort, please share this post with them.

Minutes of the committee meetings are maintained and posted on the SFTR POA website under “Governance Documents Review Committee”.

Thank you for your consideration I look forward to hearing from you and take great care.