About Santa Fe Trail Ranch

Santa Fe Trail Ranch is a covenant protected, private community, protected with by-laws that are voted upon by the residents and landowners and have covenants that serve the best interest of the residents and landowners. We take pride in our community and protect it and care for it every day. All share a sense of responsibility and care for our land. We are blessed to be a part of this community and we do our best to preserve the nature, solitude, stewardship, community, friendship and wildlife the Ranch has to offer. If you are a visitor, please respect the community we have here.

Winter Bird Notes

By Joyce Wolff

Photos by Walt Wolff

January 2001 is here and finds the Ranch covered with snow. And typical of this area it can be icy cold one day with record warm temperatures the next. Winter is a time when bird feeding is especially rewarding both for the birds and us.

There are several species of winter resident birds that hungrily appear every day at our feeders.