About Santa Fe Trail Ranch

"Every evening brings us a spectacular, unique sunset over the the Spanish Peaks or the Sangre de Christo mountains. Never is it the same. Those of us that are early risers can see beautiful sun rises over Fishers Peak and the Raton Mesa."

Santa Fe Trail Ranch (SFTR) is south of Trinidad, Colorado near the Colorado/New Mexico state line. The entrance is west of Interstate 25 exit 6, just north of Raton Pass. SFTR covers approximately 16,800 acres and ranges in elevation from 6,500 to 8,100 feet. All 454 of the 35-acre parcels are privately owned, and homes have been built on about half of them. Approximately six to eight new homes are being built each year. Eighty-three (83) miles of reasonably good dirt and gravel roads, maintained by the property owner's association, provide year-round access.
There is a very active property owner’s association (POA) guiding many of the activities on the Ranch. We are also served by the Santa Fe Trail Ranch Metro District (Metro), a quasi-governmental tax district that was originally formed by a vote of the SFTR property owners to provide financial assistance with the construction of water and telephone service on our ranch and has been providing water service to SFTR since October 2004. Since then, the Metro has been instrumental in the construction of our new entrance bridge as well as the Metro Operations Center (MOC). In addition to the Metro Business Office, the MOC contains a large meeting room that hosts most of the ranch's meetings, and since it's completion in 2019, the summer picnic and other activities have been held under its spacious covered patio. For more info about the Metro, visit their website at sftrmetro.com