

Profiles In Ranch History - Dean & Nancy Scott

Profiles In Ranch History - Dean & Nancy Scott

From the moment Nancy & Dennis Scott met in High School Latin Class, they were destined for a lifetime of service. Dennis attended the new Air Force Academy and was part of the first four-year class to graduate from this new military undergraduate university. He and Nancy were married on graduation day following a JFK inspired ceremony.

A funny side note to this joyous day-Dennis almost missed the wedding because of an I-25 traffic jam after the graduation ceremony crowd blocked his way from the academy football stadium to the Broadmoor Resort Catholic Chapel!

The Scotts' military career took Dennis “unaccompanied” to Korea. His Vietnam service was as a flight instructor preparing others for their Vietnam tours. The Scott family lived in Texas, Arizona, Illinois, New Jersey, Colorado, and New Mexico when stateside. Overseas they did family accompanied tours for three and a half years each in the Pacific and Europe. They were in the Philippines when the Marcos bunch was expelled from the “palace” and in Germany when the Berlin Wall was breached and when massive airlift operations moved troops and cargo to and from the mid-East during Gulf War 1. Over 30 years Dennis flew the T-37, T-33, C47, T-38, T-39, the OV-10, and the C-9. The highlights of his career include organizing support for three USO Bob Hope Shows. Between these military assignments both Nancy and Dennis earned their MBA’s from Southern Illinois University and Dennis earned his Certified Financial Planner designation from Colorado University after military retirement.

And when reporting their story, it is noted that BOTH Scotts' were serving, as Military spouses work as hard as the Commissioned Officers. While Dennis was flying Nancy was busy with the duties and many volunteer responsibilities expected of a spouse. They served us all for 32 years.

The Scotts' Catholic faith has always been an important part of their lives. Nancy shares that during most of their assignments, it was the military wives that kept the base church going. She shared that this was especially significant as they were serving during war years. They held fabulous supportive discussions that kept everyone going. They continue serving their church here in Trinidad.

Son David, was born with numerous developmental disabilities. Dennis and Nancy took up this life challenge and channeled their energies into serving and learning. They devoted 2 years to a program of physical therapy for David that involved multiple people to retrain David’s brain to increase his mobility. The dedicated effort paid off when at 5 years, David walked! Nancy's experiences with developmental disabilities of her son, led to her first paid job at the age of 40. She supervised final construction and became the administrator for an Intermediate Care Facility that served 100 young adults with developmental disabilities. The goal was to transition these folks from large State institutions to community group homes and an independent lifestyle. These programs were revolutionary at the time. The integration of care showed the amazing success these people could achieve when given the chance. Nancy became a leader at the state level, speaking for those who had no voice.

Nancy had another calling to serve GIs as a college administrator supervising 13 sites in the Pacific and as the College Director of Student Services in Europe, assisting the military with their undergraduate degrees. When Dennis retired from the Air Force after 32 years, they ran a financial planning business for 10 years putting the CFP and MBAs to work.

It was their association with Peg and Stan Obrey, other early ranch residents, that brought them to Santa Fe Trail Ranch. To view lots at that time, you rode horses provided by the realtor! They picked out a beautiful spot on Mountain View with 360 degree views and found an award winning Frank Lloyd Wright inspired home design in Life Magazine and finished their beautiful home in March 2000.

After they moved to Trinidad, they quickly found new opportunities to serve. Dennis became a dedicated Firefighter volunteer and developed skills as a fire dispatcher. The firefighting group from SFTR would be organized with radios. The dispatcher coordinated efforts responding to accidents and fires. Dennis was the dispatcher for the 33,000 + acre fire in western Las Animas County and on Fishers Peak in 2002. Nancy was a volunteer with the Fire Auxiliary and helping provide meals below the flames for the firefighters. Dennis has served on the Community Preparedness Committee and a willing member of other committees. He was in the group of property owners who built the FPFD Lazaro Martinez Fire Station on SFTR under the supervision of Bob Scott. Nancy has always been part of the Women's Group, often the acting Treasurer. She has had associations with Noah’s Ark, Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Dennis was a two time President of the Trinidad Rotary Club, served 5 years as Sec/Treasurer and was a 7 yr Assistant District Rotary Governor of the southern half of CO. He continues to be active in the Trinidad Rotary as its Foundation director…… and….…Can you say Peaches? The on-going fundraising helps Trinidad causes.

These two are always on the go. They continue to travel widely. Nancy & Dennis are quick to welcome newcomers, and always offer a supportive listening ear. Eager to live, love and learn always. Nancy & Dennis are the epitome of service above self.

-- by Maureen Latham, September 2022


Santa Fe Trail Ranch:

Santa Fe Trail Ranch is a covenant protected, private community, protected with by-laws that are voted upon by the resident landowners with covenants that serve the best interest of the residents and landowners. We take pride in our community and protect it and care for it every day.