SFTR Wildfire Volunteer Group Meeting - Jan 18th, 0930am at the MOC


Sante Fe Trail Ranch
SFTR Wildfire Volunteer Group Meeting -
Saturday, 18 January at 0930 am at the MOC!

SFTR Wildfire Volunteer Group - Sat Jan 18th, 0930am at the MOC - meeting details:

Come one come all Saturday18 January to the SFTR Wildfire volunteer group meeting.

Meeting purpose:  Discussing Future Training Sessions, Organizing Communications and conducting First Aid Training.

SPECIAL NOTE: Bring or wear the clothes you intend on using for a response plus tools to use. 

Not everyone physically fights fires - support personnel (spotters, phone support, general runners and others) are needed during wildfires as well and are encouraged to attend.  All Ranch Owners are welcome to attend.



Santa Fe Trail Ranch:

Santa Fe Trail Ranch is a covenant protected, private community, protected with by-laws that are voted upon by the resident landowners with covenants that serve the best interest of the residents and landowners. We take pride in our community and protect it and care for it every day.