
POA Board Nominations 2024 Begins at 8:00am Friday, July 19th


POA Board Nominations 2024
Begins at 8:00am Friday, July 19th

POA Board Nominations 2024
Nominations for SFTR POA Board of Directors will begin at 8am on Friday, July 19.

At that time,forms can be found on the SFTR Website.
Nominations will close on Friday, August 2, 8pm.

The forms contain basic information of the nominee, as well as a Nominee Bio and Nominee Statement (note that both of these areas have a 500 character limit to be accepted).

POA Board Members are expected to participate fully in Board duties. The Board presently have regularly scheduled meetings every other month, and at times have special work sessions. A prospective member must be willing to try to attend each of these meetings, be able to communicate via email, and be able to view the SFTR website. Each member also would be a part of at least one committee. 

Each director serves a 3 year term, and can be renominated when their term is completed. The three Directors whose terms are up this year are Bob L. Scott, Rick Kinder, and Carlin Craig.

Once the nomination form is submitted, it will be sent to Carol Smith and John Gerald for review for required information, and then sent to the nominee for review and ok before it will be visible for all to see on the website. Should more than one nomination for the same nominee be received, then the first nomination form that is verified and given approval by the nominee will be the one on the web and the ballot in October for that person.

Any questions can be directed to Carol Smith #412-477-7531 or .


Santa Fe Trail Ranch:

Santa Fe Trail Ranch is a covenant protected, private community, protected with by-laws that are voted upon by the resident landowners with covenants that serve the best interest of the residents and landowners. We take pride in our community and protect it and care for it every day.